Global Connections

Private: From Galette des Rois to King Cake: Exploring a shared culinary heritage

La Galette des Rois is popular in France, Belgium, Spain, Latin America, and some parts of the United States, most notably New Orleans. ~ Nolan Ross

The connection made through Epiphany celebrations can also be seen in the ‘Rosca de Reyes’ (Spain), the ‘Bolo rei’ (Portugal), the ‘Banitsa’ (Bulgaria) and the ‘Vasilópita’ (Greece). ~ Darryl Thomas

The Spanish-style Gâteau des Rois is usually filled with a filling like whip cream and topped with fruit. ~ Marissa Geary

The cake is topped with different dried fruits which gives it a very similar look to Spain’s Rosca de Reyes. Because this cake is mainly made in the southern parts of France, we can assume that this is the reason for the similarity between Rosca de Reyes and Gâteau des Rois. ~ Ty Sutton

Similar to the French tradition, Quebec also celebrates the Christian holiday Epiphany. A similar tradition is also celebrated in Spain and New Orleans, but instead of Galette des Rois being served a King Cake is served and the tradition is much more ubiquitous. ~ Jack Olson

This tradition is carried on in parts of the US and Canada which have seen historic French and Spanish influence, such as Québec and Louisiana. Be it Galette, Gâteau, or Roscón, the King’s Cake is one that is cherished as a holiday treat over which family and friends can come together. ~ Hannah Keohane