Latin America in 3D: Exploring the Image Archive of The Latin American Library

Presented here is the online version of a session developed at the Special Collections of the Latin American Library as part of a summer orientation experience for incoming undergraduates to Tulane University. In this hands-on exhibit, we highlight examples from the Latin American Library’s Image Archive of stereoscopic photography taken in various locations and time periods within Latin America and the Caribbean. With these and other examples we trace out the technical and commercial development of Latin American stereographs from the earliest beginnings of photography (c. 1838) to the latest trends in digital formats that presage today’s cutting-edge technologies for producing 3D images and VR (Virtual Reality) simulations. A second objective of this session is to demonstrate the potential for scholarship that stereographs hold from a variety of perspectives including historical, artistic, communications, and business marketing, to name just a few.

Curated By: Christine Hernández, Curator of Special Collections at the Latin American Library

Exhibit Sections